"The Lady Cecelia Lyon Her Galliard"
Composed for four-part recorder consort by Tristan d'Avignon, based on the ayre "Cecelia Rose", also by Mr. d'Avignon

Basic Description:
This piece was born out of my original commission from Sir Inigo, in experimenting with the various devices and features of a standard instrumental galliard. If the original ayre and this galliard are combined as instrumental pieces, they may be used in a dance context as a triple-time pavan and galliard, in the same manner as "Belle Qui Tiens Ma Vie", if desired. A two-part variation of this piece was premiered at St Catherine's Faire 2006, on Saturday 2nd December.

ceceliagalliard.pdf (44 Kb)
ceceliagalliard.mp3 (1,624 Kb)
ceceliagalliard.mid (12 Kb)

Contact the Author:
Tristan d'Avignon