"Cecelia Rose"
An ayre in four parts composed by Tristan d'Avignon, on commission from Sir Inigo Missaglia, for his Lady, Cecelia Lyon
Basic Description:
This work is a simple, block-harmony choral piece in a late 16th-century style, with thanks to Thomas Tallis and William Byrd. This work was first performed at St Catherine's Faire 2006, on the evening of Saturday 2nd December, and was received very well by all in attendance. If desired, this piece can be played on instruments at a slightly slower tempo as a triple-time pavan, and combined with the accompanying galliard, in the manner of "Belle Qui Tiens Ma Vie".
Cecelia Rose, thou fayrest bloome that e'er did bless the rushes,
Diana's grayce be in thy fayce, and tender be thy blushes.
The gardensvvains giue reu'rence to the vvondrous beauties of thee,
May God himself take life from hence if e'er I do not loue thee.
Cecelia, rose of purest heart, my rose of highest splendour,
My heart this day I offer thee, in pure and svveet surrender.
Of all the fayrest in this vvorlde, there's none I holde aboue thee,
May God himself take life from hence if e'er I do not loue thee.
Cecelia, O! my heart's desire is naught but for thy fauour,
Thy graycefull sighes and gentle eyes with joye I softly sauour.
And thus be Heauen's beauty founde in eu'ry feature of thee,
May God himself take life from hence if e'er I do not loue thee.
ceceliarose.pdf (140 Kb)
ceceliarose.mp3 (1,882 Kb)
ceceliarose.mid (13 Kb)
Contact the Author:
Tristan d'Avignon